Ed. by Mustafa Ziyalan and Amy Spangler

istanbul noir

Die noir-Serie von Akashic Books umfasst inzwischen um die 50 Geschichtensammlungen, die in verschiedenen Quartieren einer Stadt spielen. Was sie verbindet ist, dass es düstere, dunkle, unheimliche, gespenstische Geschichten sind. Ein Autor, eine Autorin in der jeweiligen Stadt gibt den Band heraus. Die Geschichten sind neu, vielleicht sogar gerade für diesen Band geschrieben. Oft unbekannte Autoren und Autorinnen, manchmal aber auch bekannte. Was die Serie als Serie so faszinierend macht, ist dass die Geschichten sozusagen aus dem Unbewussten der Städte schöpfen. Natürlich auch und wohl in erster Linie aus dem ganz spezifischen gesellschaftlichen Kontext. Und doch hat jeder Band seine ganz eigene Note.


As submissions for Istanbul Noir started to come in, it became increasingly clear to us that what was taking shape was not just some collection of dark stories set in old Stamboul, but a rich portrait of the city itself – or, at the very least, a particularly revealing series of snapshots. Mind you, it is a city shaped largely by the often vicious ebb and tide of the nation's politics. Although Ankara may be the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the truth of the matter is, with a good twelve million people and thus a fifth of its population, Istanbul is the throbbing, often bleeding, heart of the country's politics. And it shows ...

Lying at the crossroads of East and West, Istanbul belongs to neither and to both, and it is precisely this elusive in-betweenness upon which the city thrives. No matter how much blood is spilled trying to conform to Western standards, they just don't stick in this slippery city. Here, you don't break the rules, you forge a loophole through them ... A den of sin and a bastion of virtue, Istanbul is a fog-covered playground of power and resistance, denial and repression, and if you don't know the tricks of the game, you'll likely feel the urge to abandon your marbles and go.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Mit Beiträgen von: İsmail Güzelsoy, Mehmet Bilâl, Feryal Tilmaç, Barış Müstecaplıoğlu,Hikmet Hükümenoğlu, Jessica Lutz, Algan Sezgintüredi, Lydia Lunch, Yasemin Aydınoğlu, Mustafa Ziyalan, Behçet Çelik, Inan Çetin, Tarkan Barlas, Rıza Kıraç, Sadık Yemni, and Müge İplikçi.

Preis: CHF 23.90
Sprache: Englisch (aus dem Türkischen von Amy Spangler und Mustafa Ziyalan)
Art: Broschiertes Buch
Erschienen: 2008
Verlag: Akashic
ISBN: 978-1-933354-62-0
Masse: 251 S.
