Elizabeth Gowing

Travels in Blood and Honey

Becoming a Beekeeper in Kosovo


Travels in Blood and Honey tells the story of an English woman in Kosovo. On her first birthday in this world of unpronounceable nouns, unfamiliar foods and bewilderingly hospitable people she is given a beehive as a gift. She starts on a beekeeping apprenticeship with an unknown family; through their friendship and history she begins to understand her new home. Her apprenticeship leads her to other beekeepers too: retired guerrilla fighters, victims of human trafficking, political activists, and a women's beekeeping group who teach her how to dance. Unexpectedly, she falls in love with a country she had known only as a war.

This book describes new ways of living, and new ways of cooking. It contains traditional recipes, and the flavours of Turkish coffee, chestnut honey, smoky sweet pepper relish and the iconic food called fli. It is a celebration of travel, adventure and the new tastes you can acquire far from home.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Elizabeth Gowing's translation of the biography of Yugoslavia's longest-held political prisoner, Adem Damaçi, was recently published by Rrokullia Press. She is a regular columnist for Prishtina Insight newspaper and is currently working on Edith and I, a biography of the Edwardian anthropologist and Balkan traveller, Edith Durham.

Preis: CHF 26.50
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Broschiertes Buch
Erschienen: 2015 (2011)
Verlag: Signal
ISBN: 978-3-89998-344-9
Masse: 251 S.
