Tony Klein (Hrsg.)

Greek Rhapsody

152-page hardcover book with two CDs featuring 42 Greek instrumental recordings made between 1905 and 1956. This compilation offers, for the first time, a unique panorama of the instruments and styles of the Greek music from the first half of the 20th century.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Tony Klein is a British musician, researcher, and writer, based in Sweden. He has played and researched Greek music for 40 years, and studied with, among others, the veteran Stelios Keromitis. In 2005, in collaboration with collector Charles Howard, he produced and annotated the CD.

Preis: CHF 44.20
Art: 2 CD, Booklet 152 S.
Erschienen: 2013
Verlag: Dust to Digital
ISBN: 978-1-938922-37-4
