Rabee Jaber



During the violence and chaos of the Lebanese Civil War, a car pulls up to a roadblock on a narrow side street in Beirut. After a brief and confused exchange, several rounds of bullets are fired into the car, killing everyone in the car except for a small boy of four or five. The boy is taken to the hospital, adopted by one of the assassins, and raised in a new family.

"My father used to kidnap and kill people …" begins this haunting tale of a child who was raised by the murderer of his real family. The narrator of Confessions doesn't shy away from the horrible truth of his murderous father – instead he confronts his troubled upbringing and seeks to understand the distortions and complexities of his memories, his war-torn country, and the quiet war that rages inside of him.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

The author of fifteen novels, the Lebanese writer Rabee Jaber was born in Beirut in 1972. He is the editor of Afaaq, the weekly cultural supplement of Al-Hayat, the daily pan-Arab newspaper.

Preis: CHF 21.90
Sprache: Englisch (aus dem Arabischen von Kareem James Abu-Zeid)
Art: Taschenbuch
Erschienen: 2016 (2008)
Verlag: New Directions
ISBN: 978-0-8112-2067-5
Masse: 224 S.
