Mustafa Ja'far

Arabic Calligraphy

Naskh script for beginners


Naskh is one of the six major cursive Arabic scripts. Its origins can be traced back to the late eighth century AD and it is still in use today, over 1300 years later. This introductory workbook makes it possible for everyone to learn and enjoy the beauty of Arabic calligraphy.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Mustafa Ja'far is an artist and graphic designer. His interst in Arabic calligraphy began when he studied under the eminent Iraqui calligrapher Hashim Muhammad in Bagdhad from 1969 to 1971.

Preis: CHF 16.50
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Broschur
Erschienen: 2002
Verlag: The British Museums Press
ISBN: 978-0-7141-1499-6
Masse: 32 S.
