Nayra Atiya


Eight Jewish Women Remember Egypt


Between 1948 and 1957, around sixty thousand of Egypt's seventyfive-thousand-strong Jewish population left the country as a result of economic hardship and growing hostility toward them because of their presumed links to Zionism. Decades later, during the 1980s and 1990s, the personal reminiscences of eight Egyptian Jewish women, presently residents of New York, were meticulously collected by Nayra Atiya. With one exception, Atiya's interlocutors resided in upscale neighborhoods in Egypt near other Jewish families. They lived in elegant apartments with servants, fine food, memberships of elite clubs, and summers spent near Alexandria or in Europe.

In Zikrayat, Atiya movingly captures the essence of these women's characters and experiences, offering a glimpse into a now-vanished world and the heartbreak of exile and migration.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Nayra Atiya is an American oral historian, writer, and translator born in Egypt. She is the author of Khul-Khaal: Five Egyptian Women Tell Their Stories (1984) and Shahaama: Five Egyptian Men Tell Their Stories (2016).

Preis: CHF 30.90
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Broschiertes Buch
Erschienen: 2020
Verlag: American University in Cairo Press
ISBN: 978-977-416-955-7
Masse: 131 S.
