Ghada Karmi



Having grown up in Britain following exile from Palestine in 1948, doctor, author and academic Ghada Karmi returns to her homeland, eager to help with the peace process and the creation of a Palestinian state. She starts work with a Palestinian Authority ministry and visits places she has not seen since her childhood.

What she embarks on is an emotional and intellectual gauntlet. Her familiy home is now occupied, and much of the West Bank militarized; meanwhile her encounters with politicians, fellow Palestinians, and Israeli soldiers force her to question what role the diaspora has in the future of the homeland, and whether return is truly possible.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Ghada Karmi was born in Jerusalem and trained as a Doctor of Medicine at Bristol University. She established the first British-Palestinian medical Charity in 1972 and was an Associate Fellow at the Royal Institute for International Affairs. Her previous books include Jerusalem Today: What Future for the Peace Process? and the best-selling In Search of Fatima.

Preis: CHF 37.50
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Gebundenes Buch
Erschienen: 2015
Verlag: Verso
ISBN: 978-1-78168-842-7
Masse: 322 S.
